Welcome to your Scolio-Pilates Module 3, The Mentorship

Module 3


November 12-15, 2025

With Julie Selwood, Scolio-Pilates® Principal Educator

What is Module 3?

Module 3: Scolio-Pilates Case Study & Mentorship

The Scolio-Pilates case study is an in-depth project that will let us know what you have learned about Scolio-Pilates thus far and where your questions still exist. Then, the Scolio-Pilates Mentorship is 4 days, 24 hours, of Scolio-Pilates in-depth instruction.

  • Review the positioning and wedging techniques from Module 2 while adding to your understanding with more details about how we can encourage the scoliosis spine towards a more neutral patterning.

  • Understand the breathing techniques that can be applied to your scoliosis clients as they are either resting or active to open up the space of the lungs to encourage healthy pulmonary function.

  • Take a deeper look at how scoliosis impacts the connective tissue and how the connective tissue impacts the scoliosis, making these two systems work together instead of in opposition.

Pricing Options

Payment Plan: For the payment plan, you must enroll for Module 3 by May 1, 2025, to ensure all payments have been made one month before the start of the course.

2,320.00 Euros (VAT Included)

Full Price

4 x 580.00 Euros (VAT Included)

Payment Plan

Frequently Asked Questions

  • No, to be an Authorized Scolio-Pilates Practitioner, you must be a professional in your field of movement or therapeutic exercise. Pilates Instructors and Physical Therapists are acceptable professions. If you are a professional in some other form of movement or health management techniques, please ask us about attendance. Email: selwoodjulie6@gmail.com

  • There are many. To name a few, you will be part of an active community board where you can ask questions of Karena or the other practitioners to help you when you run into questions or need advice with clients or patients. <br>You will be part of a quarterly online meeting to refresh your knowledge and skills of scoliosis and Scolio-Pilates. You will be invited to assist at Scolio-Pilates Modules 1, 2 and 3. Eventually, you may even be eligible to teach the Scolio-Pilates Modules 1 and 2 through our advanced teacher training program.

  • You must first attend Scolio-Pilates Module 1, followed by the Scolio-Pilates Module 2. After attending these two courses, you can register for the Scolio-Pilates Mentorship. There must be 6-12 months between your Scolio-Pilates Module 2 and your Scolio-Pilates Module 3, The Mentorship so that you have time to practice what you learned in your first two modules. When you register for Scolio-Pilates Module 3, you will receive a sample case study that you will use as a model to complete your case study. This case study is part of your application to attend Scolio-Pilates Module 3. When your application is accepted, you can then attend the Mentorship. After Module 3, you will have more work to do to complete your case study.

  • Yes, and YES! This is a very under-served population. For several of our practitioners, it becomes the biggest percentage of their clientele once they begin seeing scoliosis clients. We need more practitioners with a passion for serving this underserved population!

  • The case study is essentially a very thorough report of the work you performed with one scoliosis client/patient. You will see this client for 10 visits and report on what you did, the progress you made, questions you have, and where you want to go next with this client. Please see the sample case study to help you perform this task.

  • It’s going to be REALLY fun! It’s also going to be a lot of work. Be ready! Bring your critical thinking and your questions. The entire journey of becoming an Authorized Scolio-Piates Practitioner can be just over a year-long process, but the rewards are great.

  • Thanks for a great weekend. I definitely want to learn more and dive deeper into the world of Scolio-Pilates. It’s very motivational now that I have Ilse, who is determined to stop the progression of her curves. Thanks to Covid and the lockdown in Switzerland until at lea

    Eva-Lotte Skantze- Switzerland

  • I want to thank you everything you did for us this past weekend. It was super interesting and you did a great job teaching us everything, your teaching skills are awesome, and your english I understand all. I hope to see you again soon in the future, maybe for a new module or something, it was mind blowing all the information you gave us, I felt like a fish in water with this, and I want to share with you that mexican people will have Scolio Pilates and you are part of this! Muchas gracias!! por todo!

    Nubia Chapital Aponte - Mexico

  • I am so happy that you encouraged and supported me with this weekend’s training session. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Your message and knowledge was communicated beautifully. Your love for your work with scoliosis is definitely your calling. It shines through what you do and say to everyone. I’m so glad to know you. I so appreciate your willingness to help and share your knowledge with me, despite my finances. Congratulations on an Outstanding accomplishment. It was an enlightening, learning experience.

    D. O. - Florida

  • Thank your for having me and for a great sharing session ! I always take something new from revisting the modules. And it was a great team! To be honest I got emotional during these days as I can relate to the pain our super modules experience ! I am grateful to have found Scolio-Pilates in 2019 and it’s a honour to be parent of this community.

    Leticia Roxo - UAE

    Authorized Scolio-Pilates Practitioner